winLIFE 피로해석 전문 프로그램
- With FEA (Finite Element Analysis) - FEM의 결과를 이용한 계산
• 다른 프로그램과 달리 FEM 결과 없이도 피로수명 예측이 가능하다.
• FEM stress 결과를 winLIFE로 쉽게 import할 수 있다.
• 표면 Node의 stress tensor 데이터를 ASCII format으로 저장할 수 있는 프로그램이라면 어떤 FEM 프로그램과도 interface할 수 있다.
• 기어 & 베어링을 위한 전문 모듈인 Gearwheels and Bearings 모듈을 제공한다.
• 여러 인증기관에서 제시하는 Guideline (next slide)을 적용하여 SN 곡선을 생성할 수 있다.
• SN곡선 생성에 필요한 Material database를 제공한다.
• Workflow를 단순화하여 사용자가 쉽게 사용할 수 있다.
• Mohr circle 등에 대한 값을 그래프로 확인할 수 있어 multiaxial problem 인지의 여부를 쉽게 파악할 수 있다.
• 실험의 방법 및 횟수를 결정하는데 도움을 준다.
* winLIFE 는 다양한 역학적 하중을 받는 제품의 수명을 Finite-Element Program 과 연계하여 계산할 수 있는 소프트웨어로써 20 년 동안 특히 자동차 , 군수산업 , 풍력발전 , 조선 및 기계공학 분야에 적용되고 있습니다 .
<< winLIFE 기능 >>
• Nominal stress, local strain approach using notch factors 을 기초로 한 제품수명 예측
• Finite Elements Analysis 와 연계하여 모든 노드에서의 stress 를 winLIFE 로 import 가능
• Load spectrum 의 생성과정부터 계산결과의 출력까지 제품수명 계산의 전 과정 제공
• 유저가 결과값을 검토할 수 있도록 상세한 결과 내용이 담긴 프로토콜 제공
• Internet-Material Data Base (SQL-Queries)
• winEVA, winADAM 과 Interface 가능 (Data interchange)
• Multi-axial problem 에서 100 개의 Load-Time-Function 을 동시에 사용 가능
• FVA 과 DIN( 독일표준화연구소 ) 에 의거한 기어 및 베어링의 수명 예측
• Rolling bearing 수명 예측
해석 사례
적용 범위
Property | Short description | Details | Limitations | remarks |
winLIFE FKM QUICKCHECK | Static prove, Fatigue prove: Using FKM-guideline and advanced procedures for welded and non-welded structures with local stresses coming from FEA. | Static, fatigue and endurance limit prove according to FKM-guideline for the point of prove. Extensions to FKM: Finding the critical point as the prove point by analysing all nodes on the surface. A worst-case analysis is done to find the critical stress combination and for this the utilisation ratio is predicted. | Only for local stresses not for nominal stresses | Static and fatigue prove strongly according FKMguideline for the prove point. Search the prove point out of all surface nodes using powerful methods extending FKM guideline. |
winLIFE BASIC | Basic fatigue analysis for proportional load case | Powerful analysis according to Nominal Stress Method, local elastic stress, local strain approach. Project management system, databases available | Only 1 loading | This module is prerequisite for the use of all other winLIFE modules with exception to QUICK CHECK. |
winLIFE MULTIAXIAL | Multiaxial fatigue: critical plane approach | Up to 200 loadings can be used. Critical plane approach for multiaxial cases, a) static and b) modal superposition c) nonlinear extensions, Weldings can analysed by several procedures. | Max. 200 loadings | This module is needed in addition to winLIFE BASIC |
winLIFE MULTIAXIAL MULTICORE | As winLIFE Multiaxial but with optimal use of all processor cores | Simultaneous calculation because the nodes to be calculated are divided between several cores. Calculation speed increased 4x with 8 cores, 2.9x with 4 cores | 20% price increase over winLIFE Multiaxial | |
winLIFE CRACKGROWTH | Crack Propagation using Nominal Stresses | Calculating Crack Growth in Mode I according to Paris and Erdogan Ratwani | Until now only for Nominal Stresses | This module is needed in addition to winLIFE BASIC |
nLIFE GEARWHEEL&BEARING | Fatigue analysis: Calculation for component parts necessary for calculating gearwheels and bearings. It is recommended to use it together with the ZARsoftware of HEXAGON | User must know characteristics of gearwheels. Use of HEXAGON Software recommended. | This module is needed in addition to winLIFE BASIC | |
VIEWER4WINLIFE | Graphical representation of results FEA (stress and strain) and fatigue within winLIFE | The user can show the FEA results like stress and strain coming from ANSYS, Nx, NASTRAN, FEMAP, ABAQUS and winLIFE results like damage sum, number of cycles until failure, number of repetitions until failure, different kinds of equivalent amplitudes, and safety against endurance limit. Units conversion happens while data import. | This module is needed in addition to winLIFE BASIC | |
winLIFE RANDOM FATIGUE | Fatigue calculation based on PSD results | Results of node stresses given as PSD are used for fatigue analysis | Only for linear, ergodic and stationary process | This module is needed in addition to winLIFE BASIC |
winLIFE STATISTIC | Getting relations between single parameters and fatigue life in between a parameter range | Creating combinations of parameters (DOE), automatic calculation of variants, multiple nonlinear regression analysis, and graphical presentation of results. Investigating Sensitivity and robustness! |