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[SINDA/FLUINT] 2021.08.30 뉴스레터

조회수 725


August 2021

In this newsletter...


·     TFAWS - did you miss it?

·     October Class Offerings

·     New Tips & Samples


Did you miss TFAWS 2021?


The Thermal and Fluids Analysis Workshop (TFAWS) is an annual training and professional development workshop that is designed to encourage knowledge sharing, professional development, and networking throughout the thermal and fluids engineering community within NASA and the aerospace community at large.


If you missed any of CRTech's presentations and sessions, please contact us to get materials or watch recordings:


·     Real world applications of OpenTD

·     Thermal Desktop Suite Tips and Tricks


October Class Offerings


For last quarter's class we had a lot of late interest in these courses that we were unable to fulfill. If you would like to hold your space for the class, please register as soon as possible and we can communicate about your plans at a later date. Once the maximum number of registrants is met and the registration is closed, we will need to suggest attendance at a later date.


Introduction to Thermal Desktop

This class will be held over three days on October 12th, 14th, and 19th from 10am MT - 1pm MT


This class is an introduction to Thermal Desktop and the SINDA solution engine. You will be introduced to the user interface, running and evaluating models, and building models. Tutorials will be available to download for working between sessions.


Click here to register for the Thermal Desktop class.


Introduction to RadCAD

This class will be held on October 21st from 10am MT - 1pm MT


This class is an introduction to RadCAD. You will be introduced to performing surface-to-surface radiation calculations and environment-to-surface radiation calculations. Tutorials will be available to download.


Click here to register for the RadCAD class.



New Tips & Videos